Thursday, February 23, 2017

First Mauri ever is done!

Mauri is complete, I took some pictures past weekend. She has the best pair of eyes I have made, they came out really neat and even. I think I finally figured out how to make decent glitter eyes, the trick is to first cure one transparent layer of resin with glitter in it and then add second layer with pupil. This way the glitter particles stay behing the pupil and do not float to the surface.
I am polishing the master sculpt once again, some spots were scratched during mold making. I am using Tamiya fine surface primer over Rustoleum and the texture feels more smooth, but I have not sanded it yet, so I cannot compare the two. I'm worried the head may be too complex to cast in a single piece mold like Haru does it, but I just have to finish priming, take some pictures and see what happens. Worst case scenario I will have to modify and prime a home cast resin head to make a different latching mechanism, which should not be too bad.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Last mold, starlets, eyes, outfit, etc.

This weekend I finally have made a functioning mold for the left hand and have cast both hands. They came out right the very first casting, it was such a joyful demolding. I'm starting to think that maybe this whole casting thing is not for me... All the sticky gooey mess, expiring silicone, mold halves stuck to each other, awesome toxic release agent, BUBBLES in the mold surfaces. I am thinking about other dolls I may want to make in the future, but I cannot imagine remaking 15+ two-part molds ever again. But who knows, I may change my mind by the time I have another prototype in my hands :/
I also made another outfit and a pair of glitter eyes. Unfortunately I scratched the faceup while changing the eyes, so I had to touch up the stars on her cheek. I want to take some pictures of her in daylight, but that will probably have to wait until the weekend.