Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I have not made much progress since August, aside from another sketch. I begun sculpting (literally yesterday) and I will add some screenshots of whatever my sculpting yields.
I decided to skip the tail and wings for now and focus on the required limbs instead. I would like her to be about 16 or 18 cm tall, have single-jointed knees and round double joints at hip, so the latest sketch is not really accurate either, but here it is.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sketching Persimmon

After being in the hobby for about a year I have decided to make my own BJD. I'm mostly driven by desire to try some new arts and crafts project and the fact that I have a little free time that I would rather invest into something creative than reading Google News... (I have a Google News addiction... I hate it...)
So here is a sketch of my ambitious project. I am not sure yet whether the tail and wings will stay, I suspect just making a decent looking body with limbs and head may be challenging enough...
I hope to design her in 3D sculpting program, print and polish all parts and use that as the master for making silicone molds. I'm really curious to see how she will come out :)